You can click on the links to view more information on Marata Eros Blog or follow her work on Goodreads, Twitter and Facebook. Click here to Enter Giveaway.
Crystal: Marata thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and chat with us, I know you are so busy with the various projects you have going on. I am so happy you are here and would love for you to tell us a little bit about your self?
Crystal: Marata thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and chat with us, I know you are so busy with the various projects you have going on. I am so happy you are here and would love for you to tell us a little bit about your self?
Marata: Thanks so much for
hosting this chat, Crystal; I appreciate you so much.
Marata: First and foremost, it is
very important that I thank my readers for their support, that is the most important
thing about me: I am grateful for each and every one of you! I have been an
independent author for a couple of years now and this is my pen name. I do
write full length works under my real name in another genre and enjoy writing,
period. I am a happily married mother. I love sexy lingerie (especially
stockings) and daydream quite a bit. I don't care for chocolate but love Hot
Tamales and include them in my diet after I complete a work. (They have made
their way into my Author Swag Bundles now!)
Crystal: I love Hot Tamales because of the cinnamon spice, man those things are hot just like the scenes in your books. wink wink. When did you first
realize you wanted to be a writer?
Marata: When I was thirteen I won
a small, in-class anonymous contest that made me realize that writing came
naturally to me and that slight thrill and shot of confidence never left me.
When my children were old enough, I began to hit the keyboard (can you see me
punching it? lol).
Crystal: Um yeah, I could imagine LOL........ What inspired you to
write Ember- Siren Breeders Series?
Marata: This is such a difficult
and pertinent question, it is the one thing I get asked the most. I don't have
a very good response(sorry!). I love the paranormal and despise redundancy so
usually, I'll get an idea about something and it will drift in my thoughts for
a time. Then, a second idea will join the first and they will collide. That
collision creates a theme and I follow that thread until the story comes to an
end. For some reason, the ancient Druids and Celtic cultures seemed like a
natural fusion for the ancient warrior groups of vampire and a
"counter" group of females that were intrinsically powerful in their
own right. Those ideas wouldn't go away until I wrote them. I liked the concept
of the fragility of females with a powerful advantage and the males almost
compulsive need to breed and protect them. It was irresistibly attractive to
write about. EMBER: I've been wanting to write about mermaids for forever.
Here's my chance. But like all things, I hardly ever read others' works on the
subject before mine. I hope in that way for my works to be as unique as
possible. All my breeder series' will have some commonality in that I dig
certain elements such as the following: paranormal, alpha-males, edgy sexual
interaction, possession, action & intrigue... to name a few.
Crystal: What makes Siren Breeders different from my favorite series The Druid Breeders?
Marata: The Siren Breeders are a
group with secrets that will be revealed over time. They are not as cohesive as
the Druids and we will come to discover that what seemed obvious was smoke and
mirrors. In essence: more mystery. And I put a WHAMMY of an ending in EMBER. I
don't embrace pride as a rule but felt pretty pleased with how that panned out.
I got goosebumps with Brolach at the end.
I cant wait.... I know the book is going to have an awesome ending.
That is how you hooked me to your series with the Druid Breeders, the
ending left me wanting more. Where do you get your
information or ideas for your books?
Marata: My ideas are my own. I
think about stuff and sometimes a person will mention something to me and it
will begin a thread of imagination that hadn't been there before and it
unravels like a never-ending spool of yarn! lol. If my understanding on
something is vague, I will do research. As I did for my full-length novel,
DRUID BREEDERS. I needed to know late 19th century UK slang and use it
accurately in the tale. Also, how important Oak was as a species for Druid
Magic and what ceremonies and sacrifices they made in their ancient rituals. I
was going for believability and hope that I met that mark.
You did. That Era of writing sticks out to me, especially in love
stories because I believe the men of the Era where more genuine in
protecting a maidens honor. lol So.. How many books have you
written? Which is your favorite?
Marata: I am writing my 11th
title currently and have written the equivalent of 4 novels under my pen name.
I love REAPERS. While many consider this work uncomfortably dark, taboo or even
the not-quite-correct moniker of "rape fantasy," it was a ton of fun
to write and the reader response took me by surprise. I was writing what I
would like to read and found that... other readers liked it as well.
Crystal: We all have a little dark side to us. Some are just afraid to embrace it. Good thing for me that was not the case. Who is your favorite
Alpha Male character in your books and why?
Marata: Right now? Brolach. But
throughout the Druid Breeder novellas it would have to be Constantine.
Con-Con-Con. He's just complicated, vital, violent, and fractured. And with all
that? He's got a tender streak that makes him angry. He's so broken and raw and
somehow... we want to fix him, right ladies? lol.
I do, I do want to fix him but in some instances I want him to stay the
same. You know how much I love Con, he is quite the character. he
continues to hold a special place in my heart. I am so happy you are
bringing him back in the Siren Breeders Series. Can you tell us about
some of your upcoming projects?
Marata : I will be writing A
TERRIBLE LOVE, my first contemporary [erotic] romance, along with novella #2 of
The Siren Breeders: CONSTANTINE. And, I will admit I cannot vanquish Trolls
from my mind. I am kicking around the idea of doing some "long"
shorts about the guardians of our human passageways. Wowza guys.
Crystal: Ok,
when I picture trolls, I cant picture them sexy but I know somehow you
will make it all work out. (smile) What would you say is
your interesting writing quirk?
Marata: I simply cannot write in
silence; total kill-joy. I have an extensive playlist that is critical to my
writing and especially the battle sequences!
I followed your playlist and had to get one of the instrumentals by
Cellofourte, I think its called whispers in the dark. Love it and I
still have it pinned on my road trip play list. What was one of the most surprising things you learned in
creating your books?
Marata: How fast I could write. I
didn't know. When I began, I thought that was a normal speed. The fastest work
I ever completed was 82K words in exactly 30 days. This is the most important
reason (aside from providing my readers with cleaner copy) that I have an
editor: I write too quickly not to have one.
Crystal : What do you think makes a
good story?
Marata: In a word: action! I
loathe being bored and have put down books that didn't capture my interest. I
like being dragged through the reading experience and not being able to leave a
book because it engages me so thoroughly. I hope that my work can be that for
I agree , action is such an adrenaline high in the books. Sometimes I
am at the edge of my seat, biting my nails praying that the characters
and I make it out alive. I know, I know, I get so involved in your
books. lol :-) What do you like to do when you're not writing?
Marata: I read 3-4 books a week,
love to garden in good weather and restore old homes. Working with my hands is
gratifying so I'm mildly "crafty." I also love music and play the
piano and sing on occasion.
Crystal : What book are you reading
Marata: Devoured. I also love
dark erotica (think Kitty Thomas and CJ Roberts).
Crystal: awesome dark erotica authors I have read and enjoyed some of their books.
Your book covers are
always hot I need to know who designed the covers?
Marata: Thank you, Crystal! did DRUID BREEDERS (and my cover art on my blog) and I
fashioned the Druid Breeder novellas series using stock photos and color
Crystal :What was the hardest part
of writing your book?
Marata: I never want to
disappoint my readers.
Crystal: As a fan, I can say that I have never been disappointed with your work. If you had to do it all
over again, would you change anything in your latest book?
Marata: No. I guess I just have
one vision during the writing and it is whatever the story "whispers"
for me to tell. It "talks" as I write and I listen and turn it into
Crystal : Is there anything you
find particularly challenging in your writing?
Marata: Writing shorter works are
very difficult for me. I don't know why! EMBER at 27K words was easier than
REAPERS at 21K. I felt that it was slightly easier to "grow"
characters and establish their "world" with a little more
"meat." I can't write just "straight erotica" as easily
(it's being done well by others, that's for sure). Telling a story as well
always gets in the way.
Crystal: Who is your favorite author
and what is it that really strikes you about their work?
Marata: I love Stephen King. I
know most probably don't "see" him the way I do but I'll always read
him for the subtle comedy he inserts where he snickers behind his hand at the
human condition. The "horror" part of his stories take a back seat to
a good guffaw while reading them.
Crystal: I enjoy a lot of Steven King's Movies based of his books but I never read any of his books. I just had to ask this
question: at some point will all the breeder series collide into one book?
Marata: I think that will be a
given. I mean, I am not in control of what I write. I feel like I'm this
vehicle for the story, driving 80 MPH down an inky ribbon of road; destination
unknown. I know it will get there (the story) but I don't know HOW.
Crystal: that will be an awesome story when it happens.Do you have anything
specific that you want to say to your readers?
Marata: Never think that I'm not listening, I toil for you.
Without you reading my stories, they're just words on a page. It is my readers
who inspire me to keep telling the tales. I'm immeasurably thankful for your
support~ Marata
Crystal: Thank you Marata for your time and for sponsering such a fabulous giveaway for Dark Erotica Readers, I look forward to having you as a guest again.
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